The Rubber Whores...
My name is Natalia!
This is my website for rubber fetish sessions, unique on a global level.
I am your Rubber Girlfriend and your Rubber Dream Woman, Rubber Doctress and Rubber Urologist, Rubber Governess and Rubber Trainer, Rubber Nun and Rubber Exhibitionist,
Rubber Domina and Rubber Disciplinarian.
I am your Rubber Goddess.
You can meet me. Alone, or if you wish
together with one or two of my
rubber women.
In person, live, rubberskin-close and, or virtually via webcam.
You can touch, feel, smell and taste us. We are your rubberized ecstasy.
Our rubberized bodies will drive you crazy.
We practise unique sex with you.
Rubber is our passion. We are rubber perverts, we are bisexual, we are bizarre, we are extreme, but we are also very loving.
We love being like this.
The Ultimate In Rubber Fetish.
Mainly in my unique RUBBER ASYLUM in HAMBURG,
or occasionally in an elegant BDSM studio in MUNICH,
in a cool hotel in BERLIN, and in an SM studio in DORTMUND.
This is NOT a paysite, NOT an online shop.
I do not sell photos , videos or outfits.
All content on this website is free of charge and g-rated.
CONTACT & BOOKING Confidentiality & Discretion DATA + YOUTH PROTECTION
IMPRINT, Legal Notes, Copyright
In case you do not get a reply to your e-mail GTC Rubber Women
Latest News as of 01 September 2024
are most of the links in the menu of this website switched off at the moment ?
O R C L I C K H E R E !
S H O R T A P P O I N T M E N T S !
Rubber sessions with me are something very special - personalized, tailored to your wishes, unique.
Because of the great effort I put into planning and preparing each individual rubber session according to my guest's wishes,
and so that you really have your very special rubber experience,
my usual minimum booking time in Hamburg is, as you know, 3 hours.
However, in the month of NOVEMBER 2024
I also offer appointments from 1 HOUR !
( only in November ! )
( and of course also very gladly longer than 1 hour )
Together with my rubber woman #33
for guests
who only have a small budget,
or not much time between two flights,
or the spouse travelling with you is already waiting unsuspectingly but impatiently in the hotel :-(
or for new guests to ‘try out’ :-)
#33 & Natalia!
The whole thing was just a crazy idea at first...
1 month rubber marathon - who can last the longest fully rubberized?
Natalia! or rubber woman #33 ?
Okay, I admit it, we'd already had a tasty cocktail or two. Which was probably the reason.
The reason for what? Well - my rubber friend #33 and I treated ourselves to an elegantly rubberized girls' evening
at the bar of a trendy hotel.
We were chatting about rubber and our rubber world, and suddenly, like silly schoolgirls, we came up with the idea of betting,
which of us could last longer in full rubber.
Because anyone who wears rubber from time to time knows that ‘long-term rubberization’ can be quite strenuous!
Of course fully rubberized all over the body, with mask, gloves, corsage, high heeled boots...
And of course day and night, even when sleeping in the rubber bed.
Natalia! & #33
Of course me, I said with conviction. After all, I have decades of experience, and I've already spent three days and nights in Los Angeles
in the Beverly Hills Hotel fully rubberized, even wearing a gas mask.
That caused quite a stir in the tabloids at the time. I'm tough when it comes to full rubber - after all, I'm really into it.
And after all, I usually wear rubber anyway.
Oh no, said #33 lovingly and contemptuously, I can beat you easily! I'm much tougher than you, and more athletic -
and we'll have to find out which of us finds such permanent rubberization more exciting!
Natalia! & #33 with a guest
And so we made a bet under the following conditions:
- from Friday 01 November 2024 at 00:00h we will be staying for a full month in my rubber location in HAMBURG, in THE ASYLUM.
Of course with mutual lesbian rubber treatments - that will be exciting, my dear #33!
- We are constantly fully rubberized all over our bodies, with all the accessories mentioned above. Day and night.
- Every morning and every evening we are allowed to take off our rubber wear briefly to shower, then we go back to full rubberization.
- we sleep in our rubberization in the rubber flat next door in the rubber bed, of course together in one bed (mjam!).
Yes, and (of course!) also with high heeled boots in the rubber bed!
- we can change the rubber outfits as often as we like, but we are always fully rubberized.
- In addition to our already scheduled rubber appointments with guests and those still to come this month,
of course we always change the type of rubberization, depending on the guests's wishes.
- For shopping (food, hygiene articles, etc.) we are also rubberized, but street-compatible.
Wearing a mask is allowed, but not a requirement (well, #33, will you have the courage to do that? I do! :-)
- in case we go out in between - restaurant etc. - also only rubberized. I even know a bourgeois establishment in Hamburg
where we are not only very welcomed being fully rubberized, but also wearing kinky masks!
We shook hands on it and the bet was sealed!
Natalia! & #33 (location: THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG)
The goal: whoever can't take it anymore first
(in other words, whoever says first before 30 November 2024 at 24:00h, I can't take it anymore, I have to get off the rubber now),
has lost.
The price: the loser has to... um, that's too private now...!
If it comes to the point that one of us gives up. Of course, we're both convinced that we'll be able to hold out...
Natalia! & #33 with a guest (location: THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG)
Okay, said #33 then, actually we can then combine the pleasant (= permanent rubberization!) with the useful (= rubber appointments).
If we're already constantly in the rubber location anyway, and we're already constantly rubberized,
we can also use the time for appointments.
Yes, of course, I replied in surprise, we do that too - just look at our diary,
there are already a lot of bookings from guests for November!
Yes, but that's not what I mean, #33 clarified. Because for ‘normal’ appointment bookings, our minimum booking time is 3 hours.
But you had already offered a few days last year with a ‘special offer’, with appointments starting at 2 hours.
How about this time for guests who only have a small budget or not much time between two flights,
or for new guests to ‘try out’
offer appointments from 1 hour? If we're already staying at THE ASYLUM all the time, we can do that too.
After all, we don't have to travel to every appointment.
I see.
Natalia! & #33
So that was decided, too :
During our fully rubberized permanent stay at THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG
#33 and I offer rubber appointments from 1 hour in November 2024 !
Of course you can also stay longer - 2 hours, 3 hours, 4, 5 or 6 hours, up to 8 hours a day,
or even several days with an overnight stay -
but during the hot rubber competition between #33 and me in November
the minimum booking time should only be 1 hour!
Natalia! & #33 (location: THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG)
Some conditions :
- for short appointments of 1 or 2 hours, the guest wears a normal rubber outfit provided by me as a ‘rubber man’.
Rubber woman outfits for the guest, rubber tranny outfits etc. are only possible for bookings of 3 hours or more due to the expense involved.
- As always, appointments are ONLY possible with prior booking. Simply popping in is NOT possible.
- Of course, we only schedule these short appointments between our longer bookings, which of course take precedence.
Interested? Then let us hear from you. We look forward to seeing you during our ‘Rubber Marathon’!
Natalia and #33
Natalia! & #33
Rubber Woman #203 & Natalia!
The hot topic :
" R U B B E R W O M E N D O N O T E X I S T ! "
I hear this time and again - from guests, from friends... :
"There are no women who really like rubber!"
"She only wears latex as a lifestyle for going to the club!"
"She only wears it for her Instagram photos."
"Only American hip-hop stars wear it for promotion."
"She only wears it for her husband's sake!" (often not entirely wrong)
"When this relationship is over, the latex clothes will be over too!"(likewise)
"I've been into rubber all my life and I've never met a woman who really likes wearing it."
"There's no such thing as a woman getting horny from rubber in real life. Only men are into it."
"If you mention on the first (or second, or third) date that you like latex,
the new acquaintance will be gone very quickly!"
"Even professionals only wear latex for the money!" (there may even be something to this)
#16 with a guest
Or even the complaints of married men who like rubber :
"I really only tried it very carefully, at first just with a latex skirt for my wife."
"But she immediately freaked out - ‘I'm not a prostitute!’ "
"Where did you get that disgusting idea from - there's something wrong with you!"
"My wife completely wents berserk when I say ‘rubber’. "
"You should look at less disgusting porn sites - I definitely don't wear that!"
"I'm not a pervert!!!"
"My mum was right - I should never have married you!"
"If you bring up the subject again, I'll take the kids and go back to my mum !!!' "
"I'm getting a divorce, you rubber pig!"
"Then why don't you marry someone from the street - she'll probably do it for you if you pay her!"
And it often gets really bad when the man wants to be a rubber woman for a while...
Oh dear.
Unfortunately, that's the reality. Very, very, very few women are REALLY into rubber.
REAL RUBBER WOMEN are a very, very, very rare species.
For the most part, ‘rubber’ is to women what ‘holy water’ is to the devil.
"Rubber" or “latex” equals “slutty”, “sick”, “disgusting”, “perverted” and much more.
Why actually ?
I don't have an answer to this question either.
I don't understand it.
Because :
Rubber is such an awesome material.
Rubber is incredibly erotic.
Just wearing rubber makes you horny.
Sex in rubber is a unique experience.
It doesn't even necessarily require unusual or ‘kinky’ practices.
Women who totally reject rubber don't realize what they are missing.
Natalia! (left) with a rubber couple as guests
But one thing I know for sure :
I'm TOTALLY into rubber myself.
I wear rubber clothing whenever and wherever I can.
Rubber is my life.
And the same applies to the women with whom together I offer my rubber sessions, my ‘rubber women’.
We LOVE sex in rubber. We NEED sex in rubber.
Therefore, we have a very deep understanding of men (and, yes, the occasional women too),
who are our guests and for whom ‘rubber’ is also the elixir of life.
My rubber friends and I are among the very rare real ‘Rubber Women’.
(this inclination is an absolute prerequisite for being allowed to offer my sessions together with me!)
Would you like to experience women for whom - like you - ‘rubber’ is the most important thing in life?
T O G E T H E R W I T H M E ?
As their pages are also switched off at the moment,
( see below ! )
on this page again a photo of each of the rubber women -
#11, #16, #26, #33, #69, #203 and of course myself.
You can book me alone, or together with one or two rubber women.
Y O U R P E R S O N A L " R U B B E R - A CC O U N T "
You would like to book a rubber date with me.
But you can't raise the money you need all at once and want to save it up?
However, you have practical problems putting the money aside and saving it yourself
(your wife looks at your bank account, and because of your carelessness she also knows about your PayPal account,
and she also knows where your "secret" biscuit tin is in the hobby cellar...)?
Then I offer you the opportunity to save it with me!
All details available on request
S P E C I A L D A T E S a n d E V E N T S i n 2 0 2 4 / 2 0 2 5 :
#203 & Natalia! with a guest (location: THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG) My breathtaking rubber woman #203 with the gigantic breasts and the very heavy intimate piercings will be Saturday 21 until incl. Saturday 28 September 2024 in HAMBURG and is available together with me for rubber sessions in THE ASYLUM ! RubberDateWith# #203 with a guest (location: THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG) |
The next Group Treatment Special is on Thursday 17 October 2024 in H A M B U R G 6 to 7 bisexual Rubber Women, 6 to 7 guests! 6 places are already taken > ONLY 1 PLACE IS LEFT ! I you would like to take part, let me hear from you immediately ! (location: THE ASYLUM in HAMBURG) Your intimate individual rubber party! What is the group treatment special? What are the differences to a normal session? What are your advantages? Where do the group treatments take place? How you can participate? All details available on request |
together with one (or two !) of my rubber women from Wednesday 23rd to Sunday 27th October I carry out appointments in Berlin !
And another fetish fair -
Tired of singing Christmas carols with the family? 24 - 26 December 2024 31 December 2024 * Interested in spending these days in a completely different, more rubbery way than before? Let me hear from you |
* * * * * aufsuchen, in my worldwide unique rubber location THE ASYLUM !
My Rubber Woman #203 ! (location: VIP Penthouse in MUNICH - The Outdoor Pool)
W H E N A M I , W H E N A R E M Y R U B B E R W O M E N
#11, 16 , #26 , #33 , #69 and #203
and when are special events?
according to current status 01 September 2024
These lists are constantly updated.
Dates usually take place in HAMBURG in my unique rubber location THE ASYLUM.
Dates in MUNICH once or twice a year - next time in MAY 2025, see below.
For longer bookings also on request.
Dates in BERLIN and DORTMUND on request.
September 2024
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#203 in HAMBURG |
ONLY Saturday 21 - Saturday 28 September - giant breasts cup M and very heavy intimate piercings |
October 2024
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | Basically every day of the month; please request |
#203 in HAMBURG |
ONLY Sunday 13 - Saturday 19 October - giant breasts cup M and very heavy intimate piercings |
Thursday 17 October - with SEVEN Rubber Women in HAMBURG !! |
VENUS FAIR | Thursday 24 - Sunday 27 October in BERLIN - SESSION or ESCORT to the sex fair! |
November 2024
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | Basically every day of the month; please request |
#203 in HAMBURG |
ONLY Monday 25 - Friday 29 November - giant breasts cup M and very heavy intimate piercings |
PASSION FAIR | Friday 08 - Sunday 10 November in HAMBURG - SESSION or ESCORT to the fetish fair! |
SHORT DATES | In November 2024 I also offer SHORT APPOINTMENTS from 1 hour together with #33! SEE above on this page! |
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | Basically every day of the month; please request |
#203 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
X-mas New Year's Eve |
24 - 26 and 31 December - not in the mood for family? Sessions during the holidays! |
January 2025
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#203 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
February 2025
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#203 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
March 2025
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#203 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
April 2025
Who is... | ...available when with TIMELY booking |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#203 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
Thursday 17 April - with SEVEN Rubber Women in HAMBURG !! |
May 2025
Wer ist... | ...wann verfügbar bei RECHTZEITIGER Buchung |
Natalia! | Basically every day of the month |
#11 | Basically every day of the month |
#16 | Basically every day of the month |
#26 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#33 | Basically every day of the month |
#69 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
#203 | By arrangement; please enquire with desired date |
MUNICH | Tuesday 20 - Thursday 22 May, with #203 - the one with giant breasts cup M and very heavy intimate piercings ! |
T H E O U T D O O R S E A S O N !!
Rubberized in public !
This should still be possible in Hamburg until the end of October, before it gets too cold.
Do you find that exciting too?
Are you also such a rubber exhibitionist like my rubber women and me ?
First your fully rubberized presentation in public,
and then your rubber treatment in my rubber location THE ASYLUM !
Let me hear from you!
M Y S P E C I A L R U B B E R W O M A N # 1 6
A few months ago I reported that my rubber woman #16 had a breast job.
The result is more than impressive! Perfect, exciting, firm, plump, protruding breasts,
and according to the express wish of #16 completely fake looking tits!
(location: a small part of the large rubber fund of the rubber location THE ASYLUM)
But did you know about her specialization? She loves to treat your backside - she is THE specialist for that!
During your lovingly rigorous treatment, which she, as a deeply convinced rubber fetishist, naturally only ever performs fully rubberized,
she is only too happy to concentrate on your backside, with many facets of deep, species-appropriate treatment!
What was your question?
Yes, of course I'll be there too!
The professional treatment of your rectum by two strict rubber specialists !
M y N E W S L E T T E R
Have you already subscribed to my monthly NEWSletter?
New every month on the 1st - and sometimes also updates on current
topics in between.
Always be up to date with what is happening on my website under
"Latest News":
Important information - about dates and offers, sessions and webcam,
women and locations, questions and answers, special topics around the rubber fetish...
and many new rubber photos every month!
Order my free NEWSletter HERE
M Y S W E E T B E A S T # 6 9
Everyone is in love with #69 - my male and female guests, once they have met her
and were treated sooo lovingly but also sooo “bitchy” by her,
my other rubber women, and, yes, myself too!
The laughter of our dark-skinned rubber beauty, her extremely erotic dark voice, which sounds seductive even from the depths of a heavy gasmask,
her irresistible, delightful, sexy nastiness that my guests crave so much.
#69 is breathtaking in every way(!), she takes your breath away....
Her rubberized presence makes your body tremble. You don't know what to worship first - her beautiful rubberized face,
her incredible big firm buttocks, her golden juice...
I know that after our rubber date with #69 and me you would like to take her home with you, but unfortunately, of course that is not possible.
However, #69 and I will be very happy to see you again for your next strict and species-appropriate treatment as our rubber object!
Would you like to meet #69 ?
Her frivolous specialty for very special connoisseurs - see photo ⬇︎ - I had already presented last month...
M Y D E A R F R I E N D S ,
as already announced,
the contents of most of the menu items on my website have been switched off completely for the time being.
VISIBLE are at the moment only the following linked subpages in turquoise,
SWITCHED OFF are currently the subpages in yellow :
this page "Latest News"
My Guests
"The Asylum" in HAMBURG
Confidentiality & Discretion
Write Me !
Contact & Booking
No Answer ?
Internet Fakes
Nonsense SPAM Filter
That's Me - Natalia!
My Rubber Service
> Rubber Sessions
> Rubber Courses
Fetish Fairs
Female Guests
Physically Disabled Guests
Rubber Therapies
Vanilla Sex
Rubber Outfits
Your Personal "Rubber Account"
Your Fantasies...
The Luxury Special
The Outdoor Special
The Body Fluid Special
The Rubber Nuns Special
The Rubber Clinic Special
The Rubber Prison Special
The Rubber Hooker Special
The Transformations Special
The Rubber Wedding Special
The Balloon Special (Looners)
The Rubber "Cuckold" Special
The HeavyRubber ONLY Special
The HeavyRubber ESCORT Special
The HeavyRubber EXTREME Special
The GROUP Treatment Special
>> begin with: Kidnapping
>> begin with: Frivolous Parking-Area Date
Rubber Women
> #16
> #26
> #33
> #69
> #203
All Locations
> Hamburg: THE ASYLUM
>> Hamburg: Going Out
>> Hamburg: Redlight District
> Berlin: Kink Hotel
> München: VIP Penthouse
> Dortmund: Location
Photo Service
All Online Services
RUBCAM "heavy": Online Sessions
RUBCAM "light": Online Consultations
NEWSletter Subscription
This & That
Natalia! - Some Facts
Natalia! - My Rubber Life
Natalia! - what I Like
"Sleeping Beauty"
Galerie "The Best 100 Of"
VENUS Fair 2019
Rubber Women
Imprint, Data Protection, Law
☞ But - those who already know me personally know what I offer! ☜
☞ And for new prospective guests, this is already clear from the titles of the switched-off links...! :-) ☜
Why ?
My website was generally accessible without restriction or age verification., a German organisation of the LPR-Traegergesellschaft für gGmbH,
is a company that works with the German youth protection authorities.
This organisation warned me that parts of my website were
"developmentally impairing" for young people.
My youth protection officer and I have always attached great importance to the protection of minors.
However, my youth protection officer and I have not yet been able to understand this accusation,
but the warning, including the threat of punishment, is in the air.
However, photos or texts that allegedly fulfil this criterion are not named in detail.
Regardless of this, I am requested to design my website in such a way
that such an "impairment of development" is excluded.
I am therefore solely responsible for changing the content of my website
without them specifying what is to be changed or removed.
Solutions are currently being discussed here.
Either the content of the site will be restricted in future to ensure that none of it could be
could be "developmentally harmful".
Or part of the site becomes an area protected by an AVS (Age Verification System),
to which young people have no access.
This procedure will take some time.
I have therefore reduced access to the website content to a minimum at the moment,
most of the menu items are blocked.
At the moment only the subpages mentioned above are still accessible.
I will keep you up to date on how the website is progressing with my NEWSletter and in this "Latest News".
What is ?
Wikipedia says about this:
= is an organisation based in Mainz, Germany,
which, on the basis of §18 of the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV)
which protects minors in "telemedia", i.e. in particular on the Internet. In accordance with the JMStV, it is supervised by the highest state youth authorities,
the State Media Authorities and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.... is sometimes controversial. For example, blogs by opponents of censorship, such as "AK Zensur", criticise that
the company takes on "quasi-sovereign tasks of the state"
and has an interest in portraying the Internet as dangerous for children and young people for the purpose of acquiring projects. = thus has the right, on behalf of the state, to point out to state institutions in the name of the protection of minors that,
in their opinion, content on the Internet is harmful to minors.
These organisations then take further measures on the basis of this information.
What is the basis for this ?
This is complicated. General guidelines for this are
§§ 4, 5 JMStV (Youth Media State Treaty)
and § 184 ff StGB (German Criminal Code).
Furthermore, numerous court judgements, legal interpretations, commentaries...
What happens next, what will I do ?
My website is being revised and reorganised.
I will keep you up to date,
on this page "Latest News" and in my "NEWSletter".
Newsletter Subscription
The activity of me and my "Rubber Women",
The warning letter from refers exclusively to an allegedly we will then discuss your wishes and ideas |