Sleeping Beauty -
A little contribution by Dominique - fetched from the web archive
Over the Christmas holidays Natalia! has spent some days at an elegant location together with one of her rubber sluts and with me for making photos
for her website.
Natalia! was actually continuously rubberized over the whole days, day and night - she really is a hardcore rubber fetishist. This was not the first time -
there have been several occasions in which she did not get out of her rubberizations over several days, like at her famous/infamous heavy rubber
appearance at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Hollywood.
One evening she was so exhausted after a hard day photo-production that she just as she was fall asleep in her rubber bed (whenever she can
make it possible she sleeps in rubber sheets, when she travels she always takes it with her). With rubber mask, long rubber gloves and long highheels
rubber boots. She had not even removed her make-up, so tired she was.
I found this sight so beautiful, so touching, and, yes, even so innocent, I just had to photograph it.
Well, Natalia! then woke up and saw that I was taking pictures of her, but she did not mind. And I think the photos turned out great.